on the International Right of Correction
for signature by General Assembly resolution 630 (VII) of 16 December
entry into force 24 August 1962, in accordance with
article VIII
Contracting States,
Desiring to implement the right of their peoples to be
fully and reliably informed,
Desiring to improve understanding between their peoples
through the free flow of information and opinion,
Desiring thereby to protect mankind from the scourge of
war, to prevent the recurrence of aggression from any source, and to
combat all propaganda which is either designed or likely to provoke or
encourage any threat to peace, breach of the peace, or act of
Considering the danger to the maintenance of friendly
relations between peoples and to the preservation of peace, arising from
the publication of inaccurate reports,
Considering that at its second regular session the General
Assembly of the United Nations recommended the adoption of measures
designed to combat the dissemination of false or distorted reports
likely to injure friendly relations between States,
Considering, however, that it is not at present
practicable to institute, on the international level, a procedure for
verifying the accuracy of a report which might lead to the imposition of
penalties for the publication of false or distorted reports,
Considering, .moreover, that to prevent the publication of reports of
this nature or to reduce their pernicious effects, it is above all
necessary to promote a wide circulation of news and to heighten the
sense of responsibility of those regularly engaged in the dissemination
of news,
Considering that an effective means to these ends is to
give States directly affected by a report, which they consider false or
distorted and which is disseminated by an information agency, the
possibility of securing commensurate publicity for their
Considering that the legislation of certain States does
not provide for a right of correction of which foreign governments may
avail themselves, and that it is therefore desirable to institute such a
right on the international level, and
resolved to conclude a Convention for these purposes,
agreed as follows:
For the
purposes of the present Convention:
1. "News
dispatch" means news material transmitted in writing or by means of
telecommunications, in the form customarily employed by information
agencies in transmitting such news material, before publication, to
newspapers, news periodicals and broadcasting organizations.
"Information agency" means a press, broadcasting, film, television or
facsimile organization, public or private, regularly engaged in the
collection, and dissemination of news material, created and organized
under the laws and regulations of the Contracting State in which the
central organization is domiciled and which, in each Contracting State
where it operates, functions under the laws and regulations of that
"Correspondent" means a national of a Contracting State or an individual
employed by an information agency of a Contracting State, who in either
case is regularly engaged in the collection and the reporting of news
material, and who when outside his State is identified as a
correspondent by a valid passport or by a similar document
internationally acceptable.
Recognizing that the professional responsibility of correspondents and
information agencies requires them to report facts without
discrimination and in their proper context and thereby to promote
respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, to further
international understanding and co-operation and to contribute to the
maintenance of international peace and security,
also that, as a matter of professional ethics, all correspondents and
information agencies should, in the case of news dispatches transmitted
or published by them and which have been demonstrated to be false or
distorted, follow the customary practice of transmitting through the
same channels, or of publishing corrections of such dispatches,
Contracting States agree that in cases where a Contracting State
contends that a news dispatch capable of injuring its relations with
other States or its national prestige or dignity transmitted from one
country to another by correspondents or information agencies of a
Contracting or non-Contracting State and published or disseminated
abroad is false or distorted, it may submit its version of the facts
(hereinafter called "communique") to the Contracting States within whose
territories such dispatch has been published or disseminated.
A copy of
the communique shall be forwarded at the same time to the correspondent
or information agency concerned to enable that correspondent or
information agency to correct the news dispatch in question.
2. A
communique may be issued only with respect to news dispatches and must
be without comment or expression of opinion. It should not be longer
than is necessary to correct the alleged inaccuracy or distortion and
must be accompanied by a verbatim text of the dispatch as published or
disseminated, and by evidence that the dispatch has been transmitted
from abroad by a correspondent or an information agency.
1. With the
least possible delay and in any case not later than five clear days from
the date of receiving a communique transmitted in accordance with
provisions of article II, a Contracting State, whatever be its opinion
concerning the facts in question, shall:
(a) Release
the communique to the correspondents and information agencies operating
in its territory through the channels customarily used for the release
of news concerning international affairs for publications; and
Transmit the communique to the headquarters of the information agency
whose correspondent was responsible for originating the dispatch in
question, if such headquarters are within its territory.
2. In the
event that a Contracting State does not discharge its obligation under
this article, with respect to the communique of another Contracting
State, the latter may accord, on the basis of reciprocity, similar
treatment to a communique thereafter submitted to it by the defaulting
1. If any
of the Contracting States to which a communique has been transmitted in
accordance with article II fails to fulfil, within the prescribed
time-limit, the obligations laid down in article III, the Contracting
State exercising the right of correction may submit the said communique,
together with a verbatim text of the dispatch as published or
disseminated, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and shall
at the same time notify the State complained against that it is doing
so. The latter State, may, within five clear days after receiving such
notice, submit its comments to the Secretary-General, which shall relate
only to the allegation that it has not discharged its obligations under
article III.
2. The
Secretary-General shall in any event, within ten clear days after
receiving the communique, give appropriate publicity through the
information channels at his disposal to the communique, together with
the dispatch and the comments, if any, submitted to him by the State
complained against.
Any dispute
between any two or more Contracting States concerning the interpretation
or application of the present Convention which is not settled by
negotiations shall be referred to the International Court of Justice for
decision unless the Contracting States agree to another mode of
1. The
present Convention shall be open for signature to all States Members of
the United Nations, to every State invited to the United Nations
Conference on Freedom of Information held at Geneva in 1948, and to
every other State which the General Assembly may, by resolution, declare
to be eligible.
2. The
present Convention shall be ratified by the States signatory hereto in
conformity with their respective constitutional processes. The
instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the
Secretary-General of the United Nations.
1. The
present Convention shall be open for accession to the States referred to
in article VI (1).
Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of accession
with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
When any
six of the States referred to in article VI (I) have deposited their
instruments of ratification or accession, the present Convention shall
come into force among them on the thirtieth day after the date of the
deposit of the sixth instrument of ratification or accession. It shall
come into force for each State which ratifies or accedes after that date
on the thirtieth day after the deposit of its instrument of ratification
or accession.
provisions of the present Convention shall extend to or be applicable
equally to a contracting metropolitan State and all territories, be they
Non-Self-Governing, Trust or Colonial Territories, which are being
administered or governed by such metropolitan State.
Contracting State may denounce the present Convention by notification to
the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Denunciation shall take
effect six months after the date of receipt of the notification by the
The present
Convention shall cease to be in force as from the date when the
denunciation which reduces the number of Parties to less than six
becomes effective.
1. A
request for the revision of the present Convention may be made at any
time by any Contracting State by means of a notification to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations.
2. The
General Assembly shall decide upon the steps, if any, to be taken in
respect of such request.
Secretary-General of the United Nations shall notify the States referred
to in article VI (I) of the following:
Signatures, ratifications and accessions received in accordance with
articles VI and VII;
(b) The
date upon which the present Convention comes into force in accordance
with article VIII;
Denunciations received in accordance with article X;
Abrogation in accordance with article XI;
Notifications received in accordance with article XII.
1. The
present Convention, of which the Chinese, English, French, Russian and
Spanish texts shall be equally authentic, shall be deposited in the
archives of the United Nations.
2. The
Secretary-General of the United Nations shall transmit a certified copy
to each State referred to in article VI (1).
3. The
present Convention shall be registered with the Secretariat of the
United Nations on the date of its coming into force.